
International Quantum Day


The coordination of the UNAH Physics career together with the Asociación de Estudiantes Hondureños de Física (AEHFI) consists of talks and an allusive film. We expect to receive an influx of 200 students.

Start date
14 April, 2023

International Quantum Day

Start date
14 April, 2023

QAI’s World Quantum Day Lecture - From Entanglement to Quantum Information Technology: Understanding the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics


QAI will be hosting a lunchtime lecture by Daniel Higginbottom, PhD, Post-Doctoral Fellow at Simon Fraser University and Director, Academic Research at BC’s fastest growing quantum computing company, Photonic Inc. 

A clear and engaging overview will be provided, regarding the significance of the

Start date
14 April, 2023

QAI’s World Quantum Day Lecture - From Entanglement to Quantum Information Technology: Understanding the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics

Start date
14 April, 2023

Secrets of Quantum World


Quantum mechanics is undoubtedly one of the most effective scientific theories ever formulated in the history of humanity. Although the quantum theory performs exceptionally well in practice, it is difficult to understand what exactly the matter we are made of is, based on this theory. During the

Start date
14 April, 2023

Secrets of Quantum World

Start date
14 April, 2023

Quantum computing in Georgian schools (კვანტური გამოთვლები საქართველოს სკოლებში)


twiton.ge is a student club that offers students free technology resources from American universities.

If you are interested:

✅How to implement quantum computing in your classroom❓

✅What is a quantum computer❓

✅How does a quantum computer work❓

✅What will the quantum computer change in the

Start date
14 April, 2023

Quantum computing in Georgian schools (კვანტური გამოთვლები საქართველოს სკოლებში)

Start date
14 April, 2023

Entanglement: intrecci quantistici di luce


Che cos’è la luce? Questa semplice ed affascinante domanda è stata discussa nei vari secoli, da Newton ad Einstein, generando un dibattito intenso e controverso. La teoria della fisica quantistica ha dato una risposta a questo enigma e ci ha portato a descrivere la luce come fotoni, quanti di

Start date
14 April, 2023

Entanglement: intrecci quantistici di luce

Start date
14 April, 2023

Italian Quantum Weeks "Dire l'indicibile: l'entanglement quantistico"


Exhibition for students, scientists, and general public on quantum mechanics, entanglement, and quantum technologies.

For more details, please visit:https://sites.google.com/uniroma1.it/sapienzaquantumweeks

Start date
12 April, 2023

Italian Quantum Weeks "Dire l'indicibile: l'entanglement quantistico"

Start date
12 April, 2023

Celebrating The World Quantum Day


On World Quantum Day experts from several European NRENs (National Research and Education Networks) will present their activities and projects related to quantum technologies. Through their short, lightning-talk-like presentations, the participants will be able to learn about the current status of

Start date
14 April, 2023

Celebrating The World Quantum Day

Start date
14 April, 2023

Light is quantum, and this is revolutionary!


Online talk, Brazilian Physical Society

Start date
12 April, 2023

Light is quantum, and this is revolutionary!

Start date
12 April, 2023

Light is quantum, and this is revolutionary!


Online talk, Brazilian Physical Society

Start date
12 April, 2023

Light is quantum, and this is revolutionary!

Start date
12 April, 2023

Quantum computing for the Curious


World Quantum Day is back in Lithuania! There is currently an intense international race to build the world's first general-purpose quantum computers. In this Café Scientifique lecture, Dr Mažena Mackoit-Sinkevičienė and Dr Julius Ruseckas will explore the basis of this effort, the current state and

Start date
12 April, 2023

Quantum computing for the Curious

Start date
12 April, 2023